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Do you have an adorable new puppy, aged 8 - 16 weeks that you want to teach how to become a happy, healthy member of your family? Then this program is for you!  

This program is unlike any other, offering you expert knowledge in all aspects of training a young pup, even down to (if you desire) choosing the right puppy for you. We believe in prevention before intervention, so a personalised package will be created to suit your unique goals, your specific pup and your lifestyle, ensuring you & your puppy enjoy your new life together. 

Each class is 1 on 1 (you, pup & family), designed to create a flow on effect to the next phase of learning, at a rate that enables success.  You will learn how to communicate effectively using a variety of tools & resources, how your dog learns, what your dog needs from you to be happy & healthy, how to overcome puppy & adolescent challenges, amazing basic obedience, appropriate socialisation and so much more.

The best part of all is the HH pack (5 balanced, calm dogs) will be joining your training journey at various points, to give you an impeccable understanding of dog language and a visual of what the hard work you put into training your pup can lead to. 

Lessons include:  1 x 2hr in home session + 4 x 1hr follow up sessions @ HH HQ (ideally 1-2 weeks apart)

Please enquire for lesson details.

Premium Puppy Program: Classes
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